Hi, Y'all!
We are Ira and Poppy
You can call us anything you want, basically. As long as it is in a somewhat high-pitched voice, our ears will perk up

Ira and Poppy (pitt and/or lab mixes if I were to put a dollar on it) were born near OKC, Oklahoma in 2015 and 2016 respectively and have made every day since they came into my life mostly good, aside from the times where I would leave my house in the early days of their adoption and they would destroy my furniture and shoes. RIP perfect secondhand caramel leather midcentury couch.
They love long walks around the block and to the park, treats of cheese or peanut butter, and butt scratches. Thunderstorms, the vacuum cleaner, baths, and anything that makes noise outside of the front door are their mortal enemies.
Their shared hobbies include: making messes, leaving hair everywhere, sleeping in my closet, going on walks and peeing on each other’s pee, sniffing and snorting, the occasional grass eating, and not sharing toys with each other.
Ira is known for his sense of humor, high intelligence, devastatingly handsome eyebrows, helicopter tail, wiggle when you scratch his ribs right, and general pickiness when it comes to how/where he eats his food, how/where he uses the restroom and how/where/when he will accept my affection. He is otherwise a perfect angel and most days I attribute him being adopted by me as a main reason I’ve decided to stick around and try to heal and live a good life.
Poppy is known for her hypothyroidism, adorable face, sass, and beautiful brindled coat that reminds me of both a tiger and a bb deer. She learned how to high-five/shake as a puppy and now will high-five anything close to her to get my attention. This has included my face/shoulders/nightstand/bed/desk/the air many thousands of times. Sometimes I like to think that’s her way of showing her affection. I pet her, she tries to pet me. Poppy is the boss of the house and also the baby of the house. Otherwise, Poppy shares one singular braincell with the neighborhood cats.
Nicknames for Ira:
Doug, Douglas, Judge Doug Geiga, Buddy, Beautiful Boy, Curly frIra, Friar Ira, Bud, Nug, Sweetie pIra, and Just a Lil Guy.
Nicknames for Poppy:
Big Poppa, Officer Popper, Bumble P, Thing, Big Booty Judy, Judge Tootie, Durl/Dirl, Girl/Gorl, Poppa, Popsy, Flopsy, Tiny BB, and Weird.
h a p p y
to be here

Fun Facts:
– They hate water unless they are drinking it
– Ira likes to sniff Poppy’s face and Poppy likes to snarl at that
– Ira will most likely snort right in your face if you’re meeting him
– Sometimes they are best buddies and sometimes they do not approve of each other’s existence
– Ira loves to pretend he’s a cave-dweller by spending many of his days hiding out under my bed and having to awkwardly crawl out
– They will lose their effing minds any time I say “Wanna go bye-bye?”
– Poppy eats like a starved and rabid animal (I assure you she is neither) and Ira eats as though he’s the President of the US and has to wait until someone poison/taste-tests his food
– Ira was probably a highly intelligent and kind gender-fluid professor in a past life, and this is Poppy’s first time at being anything
– They will do anything (aside from tolerate bath time) for some PB
– They make me laugh many times a day and also swell up with joy and gratitude and love
– I am trying to go full on Barbara Streisand and clone each of them twice (if not more)

Ira and Poppy (and I) thank you for considering hiring me so that they can continue living fairly spoiled lives.
Rachel Waters is a curious human, poet, and award-winning and internationally published wedding, lifestyle, and editorial photographer based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and available for creative and/or heartfelt projects worldwide.
They are happy you’re here.
Direct email: hello@rachelwaters.co | rachelwaters.co@gmail.com
Office hours: Tuesday-Friday from 9a-5p CST. Sat-Mon by appointment only.
© Rachel Waters 2012-2024