bonjour, mon amour

I’m Rachel–human, artist, curious soul. My pronouns are she and/or they, please and thank you.
I say y’all a lot. It started a bit ironically and is now permanently embedded in my vocabulary. I like it because y’all means all and all means everyone. I want you to know that everyone is welcome here. And please–come as you are.
Y’all probably know that I am a destination wedding, elopement, lifestyle and editorial photographer based in Oklahoma City, OK and wherever else you wanna bring me to make my life better (and help me continue to spoil my dogs and fund my tamale habit). If you have a story you want told in a way that is meaningful, genuine, and beautiful, I don’t want to miss it.
When I’m not on the job, you can likely find me at my home wishing I was French, learning French (ça ne va pas très bien… j’ai dû utiliser google translate pour ça), thrifting for French-inspired wardrobe pieces (amongst other things), bothering my dogs with my love, or daydreaming about God knows what. I’m also a big fan of having game nights, treasure-hunting at estate sales, farmer’s markets, the thrift shop, garage sales, planning out my next dinner party, listening to a song on this playlist, wishing I was in a very low key jazz band, just-for-fun co-ed softball league, and/or a very hilarious but humble about it improv team, and letting my mind run wild about upcoming adventures.
I love the sound of laughter (joy, unleashed!) and would gladly live the rest of my days only making other people laugh, but I haven’t tried to make any money that way yet (plus, I am afraid of what Hollywood would do to me).
I could probably eat some variation of Mexican food for any/every meal. I think my blood might actually be salsa? Other days it is A1 steaksauce. Some days it is iced coffee. And then, when I wanna feel fancy, I’ll consume so much sparkling lemonade that my entire body turns into it. There are many types of people I think I want to be, and many different places in the world I would love to explore, and many lives by which I feel buried under the weight of not living. Connecting with many different types of people through art has given me the greatest sense of fulfillment. People are remarkable. To be in community with them is such a gift.
I’m thankful for so much music and slow mornings and wit and therapy, and for my two pups, Ira and Poppy, who provide their own sort of therapy to me as well. I’m also grateful for writing in that sense and for playing with plants/flowers, too–feeling the earth. And strolling through nature and sitting too long in the bathtub and making way too many lists.
I’m an absolute sucker for people who make me laugh, lavender or grapefruit scented everything (and also smelling like campfire), the Great Outdoors, a nice margarita or Tom Collins, fresh flowers, freckles, sunshine, spicy food, hand-written letters, live music, Kate McKinnon, and looking for all the gorgeous stuff happening around me. I’m so damn grateful to be here.
(FYI/If you’re into this: I’m an INFP, Chaotic Good Energy (this is my own assessment), Enneagram 4w3, but have also tested twice recently for the first time in years and tested as a 7 both times with a 4 closely following??? So really…who knows.)

idk how to explain it other than this: my soul feels like a disco ball that was tossed into an electric blue swimming pool or a river and is now floating there in the sun if you were curious. (and also i'm a very big softie who just wants to everyone to know they are loved.)


- i love you

I’m about the stuff that cracks me up, that makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside, the stuff that leaves goosebumps on my arms, the small delights that remind me that this is all a gift. I’m about slow mornings and productivity and rest and mental health and healing. I’m about seeing people for who they are, inviting them to the table, and letting them know they are loved and glorious. I’m about poetry and far off places and getting the best night’s sleep at home. I’m about conversations over apps and cocktails or pastries and coffee or any things food/drink-wise for that matter. I’m about seeing the world and its workings in all its ways and getting to understand the ways people live, love, and interact. I’m about expressing gratitude and hyping people up and listening. I’m about reflecting and deconstructing and learning and unlearning and relearning. I’m about hearing and knowing and telling good stories. I’m about mountains and oceans and trees taller than a hundred me’s, and I’m damn sure about the stars and the moon and the sun and all the clouds. I’m about honey bees and the red dirt of my home and being in awe of any wildflowers or plant life in new places. I’m about night drives in the passenger’s seat with music way up and about 3:00am pancakes and sometimes 6:30pm bedtimes. I’m about jazz music and intimacy and having communion at midnight in the middle of a field. I’m about expressing love in all its forms, about letting people know what they mean to you, and about diving in deep to continuously do the inner work. I’m about standing out, expressing yourself, being bold (or being quiet), and letting go of perfectionism to lovingly embrace real. I’m about our collective minds, hearts, souls, and healing. I’m about having a very good time, doing things just to try, and chasing my wildest curiosities. I’m about coming home, whatever or whomever home looks like. I’m about kindness, joy, peace, and love. So much love. Always love.

I'm a curious, wild-haired, slightly freckly-faced, adventure and rest-seeking, nostalgia-and-presence-enamored, hard-working, ideas-generating, creative-out-the-wazoo, constantly-daydreaming, dog-loving, thankful-for-therapy, slow-morning-enjoying, thrift store queen, save-the-bees, spread-kindness-always, golden-rule-abiding, grateful-for-each-breath type of person. (at least most of the time.)

ira + poppy
IRA and POPPY, my dogs:
Sometimes my reason for existing, my best friends, the things that make me smile every day, my greatest companions, my dogs, my buddies n friends. Please consider hiring me so I can save up enough money to clone them. Please and thank you.

Rachel Waters is a curious human, poet, and award-winning and internationally published wedding, lifestyle, and editorial photographer based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and available for creative and/or heartfelt projects worldwide.
They are happy you’re here.
Direct email: and/or
Office hours: Tuesday-Friday from 9a-5p CST.
Sat-Mon by appointment only.
© Rachel Waters 2012-2024