2018. What a year.
What. A. Year.

Mostly a blur, but looking back through the photos I took was a nice reminder for me of all the beauty and goodness I got to be a part of. 
I traveled to Nevada, Colorado a few times, Texas, Kansas, New York, Virginia, Washington DC, Arkansas, and all over Oklahoma.  2018 was my first year to travel for international destination weddings/sessions, too–clients brought me all the way to Iceland and Cabo.  Both absolutely magical in very different ways.
I checked off some bucket-list items:
Went to go/eat at Milk.
Visited Iceland.
Shot a destination wedding.
Got to go on a sunrise boat ride.
Visited a secluded beach.
Went on a food tour in NYC and discovered some new favorite dishes.
Saw the Northern Lights.
Swam in the Blue Lagoon.

I photographed 21 amazing weddings and elopements, several engagement sessions, some food, some travel, and very very little personal work, which I will be changing in 2019.

There were some times of immense struggle and times I made some mistakes.  There were times I let jealousy get the best of me and my pride take reigns of how I perceive things.  There were times I felt alone and sad and desperate and so so so quiet about all of it.  

But there was also a ton of joy.
Some personal highlights:
Moved out of a house in which I felt I could not grow.
Made a new, beautiful home with my boo thang.
Re-discovered my passions for interior decorating and cooking.
Visited close friends who live afar.
Friends who live afar came to visit me.
Decided to be present more–or at least more mindful about it.
Got a new tattoo and made the decision to get one removed (hah).
Celebrated my birthday in an admittedly overly-complicated way, but in a way that was so “me” while surrounded by some of my favorite people.
Watched my mom officiate the marriage between two of my greatest friends.
Watched my dad recover from scary health shit and then thrive.
Wrote a littttttle bit more.
Watched my brother graduate from college.
Cried out of happiness a lot.
Started feeling hopeful and motivated again.

Anyways.  This is turning into a diary post instead of a blog post of photos.
The weddings and sessions I got to be a part of this year were all incredibly heartfelt and fun.  Joyous.  All of them.  And each so unique.  
I picked most of these images using the nearly fail-proof method of hearing Marie Kondo’s tiny, precious voice in my head ask me “Does it spark joy?”  And some of these spark another sort of emotion.  And some are just fun or cool or I just liked it, okay.

Here we are.  In no particular order.
My favorite slash best wedding photos and engagement photos from 2018: